Saturday, November 15, 2014

Katie Goes to Haiti


Katie Goes To Haiti

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” These are the words that have been spoken to me and to all who believe Jesus is Lord. Many of you who are reading this know I aspire to go overseas someday to do mission work long term. God has blessed me with the desire to go to the places where most people would not ever think of going. I have been the most joyful in those places because I am forced to die more and more to myself and to become more and more alive in Christ because I know God is the ONLY one who can save.

I was blessed in the fall of 2011 to be a part of Harding’s Study Abroad program in Zambia. I was able to live in the southern province of Zambia for three months. During that time we were able to travel some to meet different missionaries in the northern province of Zambia and around all of the countries in east Africa. I fell in love with one of those places we visited, that being the northern province of Zambia. I had a strong longing to go back. In the summer of 2013, God allowed that to happen. I was able to work, learn and grow from the missionaries there for two months.

Now that you know a little bit about my background in overseas missions, this December I will be embarking on five day trip to Haiti. This will be my first trip to Haiti along with my shortest time spent overseas serving. I was a little bit apprehensive about only going somewhere for five days, but my wise little brother said something that hit me: “Don’t ever limit what God can do in five days.” Wow! He was so right!! I think back to Genesis 1 where God creates the sky in one day! What?!? Have you ever looked out the window on an airplane, or have you ever looked up out in the middle of nowhere on a clear night and seen the sky? If you’re anything like me, it’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that God made all of that in ONE day! Everyday I live and I go out into the world, whether it is in Searcy, Arkansas, Mumena, Zambia, or in Myan, Haiti, I want Jesus to be the reason why I am serving and want Jesus to be evident, and not serve because they are in such great need of food, medicine, and so on. The only thing that saves is Jesus Christ.

We will be departing December 30th and returning on January 3rd. My trip to Haiti this Christmas break is a great opportunity to open my eyes to another culture and people. I am confident that God is going to do amazing things during my time there and after my time there.

In preparing for my trip I have been spending a lot of time in prayer. I would really love it if you were to be involved and apart of my trip. We will be working with an orphanage in Myan, Haiti. I have a list of all the children’s names and if you would like to be praying alongside me for each one of them please send me an email and I can send you a specific child that you can be praying for.

My email address is:

God Bless You!

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